Call To Worship
With Host: Gary Roby
This program is designed to lead the listener in a special time of Worship and Praise. Each hour-long program is filled with beautiful worship and praise music including traditional hymns combined with appropriate scripture each week focused on a particular topic.
Over the years, stations all around the country started airing the program each weekend. The Dove Media Ministries syndicated the program which is now broadcast on over 200 stations nationwide.
As you listen, you will find that our time together each weekend is not just a music program, but it is an extended time of Worship that is designed to flow seamlessly and thematically from one element to the next, all with one purpose in mind, to Glorify God and give thanks for His marvelous gift of salvation and Forgiveness. (Romans 1:21)
Thank you for making CALL TO WORSHIP one of the most unique worship programs on radio today.
“Glorify the LORD with me…let us exalt His name together.” Ps 34:3